2023-11-02 Alternative Dispute Resolution
Published by CLPropertyOwners on
2023-11-02 Alternative Dispute Resolution
Additional Information
What is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) meeting? From time to time, disputes may arise between the Association, the Board, or agent of the Association and an owner or resident. This policy commits the parties in any such dispute to work together in an attempt to resolve the dispute without litigation in order to facilitate the prompt resolution of such disputes in a manner that respects and builds upon the relationships between the parties.
View the Agenda
There are no agendas for ADRs
View the Meeting Minutes
There are no meeting minutes for ADRs
View the Transcript
After multiple requests from CLRRA Members over the last eighteen months, the Board of Directors has agreed to turn on the live Closed Captioning and Transcribing that is freely provided within Zoom meetings. As Zoom's live Closed Captioning is more accurate than YouTube, the Zoom Closed Captioning will be displayed in the recorded meetings.